Will Drum For Food

A couple of weeks ago I drove to Adelaide and played my drums on the street.

Okay, busking wasn’t the primary reason I drove to Adelaide. Every year I visit my friend for her birthday for a few days, and I usually fly over. I only took the drumkit because I drove, and I only drove because I was going for an extra two days this year and because another friend (my friend’s sister) came along for a road trip.

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Hello, My Name Is Mookers, And I Am A Cymbalholic

I love cymbals (you may have noticed that by now). I am constantly trawling eBay in search of used cymbals at cheap prices, especially damaged ones which can go for less than 10% of their original price.

Even undamaged ones can sometimes sell for a song (see what I did there).

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OMG An Update!

Yep, that’s right.  This is was going to be a little update, because since the last entry, I’ve spent more time playing the drums than I’ve spent building anything (well, there have been a few more experiments with cymbals, but I’ll save that for another post).

I’m taking lessons over at Stephens Drum Shed and I’ve learned heaps even though I still struggle to find as much time to practise as I would like.  My goal is to take the drumkit out busking in public before 2014 is over, so I’m trying to get my playing skills to a point where I won’t be an embarrassment on the streets 🙂

So it turns out that a friend of mine is organising a homebuilt musical instrument roots and blues festival.  It’s mostly cigar box guitars, but apparently a square drumkit qualifies.  So tomorrow morning I’ll be driving 2.5 hours out to Bendigo to show off my drumkit and maybe have a jam or two.  I’m a little nervous about my skills but thankfully I don’t have to play on stage in front of an audience!  It will be the drumkit’s first official public showing.

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Splish Splash

I wanted a splash cymbal. So I went on eBay and bought one. It’s a BTB20 brand cymbal, which I’d never heard of, but I figured as long as it sounded halfway decent it would be ok.

I listened to the demo sound of the different size splash cymbals before buying it, and decided that the 10″ one sounded the best. Then when I received it, I decided it didn’t sound like the demo and the 8″ one would probably have been better.

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